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Web Tools

Validation tools

Get the HTML Check Toolkit (dead hyperlink - http://www.halsoft.com/html-tk/index.html) from HaLSoft. It comes nicely packaged.

Look at the validation section of the virtual library (dead hyperlink - http://www.w3.org/hypertext/DataSources/bySubject/Overview2.htm) for other tools. You could also do a simple or complex search of Lycos for "HTML validation".

DTDs for your verifier

If you use an HTML verifier, you may want an up-to-date set of DTDs etc. Here is a perl script that will extract the DTDs, and other necessary files from the RFC for HTML. It will also work on the internet draft, but this is obsolete now that the RFC has been published.

You will need to fix the catalog and the character entity set.

Other tools

We also use various other tools, but they are rather too specific to our installation to be worth publishing at the moment.

23 Nov 1995; <rtor@ansa.co.uk>

Converted from text 23 Nov 1995 by <rtor@ansa.co.uk>