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21st Nov 2024

The Web before the Web: Putting the Hype into Hypertext

See lectures page for more information


Historic Document Rescue

From time to time the Society is approached by people who have come into the possession of documents relevant to historic computers and who feel that they should “go to a good home”.

Unfortunately the Computer Conservation Society is no longer in a position to collect such material, though we can sometimes suggest a suitable home for it. If you have a need to dispose of historic material we suggest that you should first read our guide Archives and your Personal Papers.

In particular, we should stress that a list of the document titles is essential before any progress can be made.


Document Exchange within the CCS

Because CCS members use widely differing IT systems, difficulties sometimes arise when documents are sent between members. In an attempt to minimise such problems a page of guidance notes can be found here.

The web page also contains useful information for authors of articles in the CCS journal Resurrection.


September 2024

Congratulations too to Professor Simon Lavington late of the Universities of Manchester and Essex who has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship by the National Museum of Computing. The award recognises the huge contribution that he has made to the study of the history of the UK computer industry. In particular for the publication of several books documenting the stories of some of the UK computer companies which are, alas, no longer with us but whose influence persists to this day.

The CCS and TNMoC are both fortunate in being associated with such luminaries as Professor Lavington .

May 2024


August 2024

Our hearty congratulations to Roger Johnson who, after many years of volunteering in senior roles for the BCS has been awarded a Hororary BCS Fellowship. Those of us who have had the pleasure of working with him in the Computer Conservation Society have long since appreciated his tireless dedication to the smooth running of the Society both as a former chair of the Society and over a long period as London Meetings Secretary. But we don’t know the half of it, for his contribution to our parent body, the BCS goes back much further including his year as BCS President.

Well done Roger. Well done BCS. What took you so long?

May 2024

It is with much sadness that we have to report the passing of two members of the CCS committee.

Peter Short was the represenative of the IBM Hursley Museum and editor of its website and newsletter. His reports were always timely, always interesting and always conveyed the enthusiasm he had for IBM and all its achievements. A tribute will be in the forthcoming edition of Resurrection.

Aneesa Riffat was the Senior Curator and Collections Manager at The National Museum of Computing and was responsible for liaison with us at the Computer Conservation Society. Although she had not been in post for very long, it was evident that her enthusiasm was a huge asset. Ever helpful and ever quick to respond, her death was unexpected. We had exchanged emails on the day of her passing.

Both will be much missed.

The Computer Conservation Society was founded in 1989 as a joint venture between the British Computer Society and the Science Museum in London. It has subsequently become closely associated with the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester and The National Museum of Computing in Bletchley Park.

Our primary mission is to preserve historic computers, develop awareness of the history of computing, and encourage research. We run many specialised projects, organise public lecture series, and publish a regular journal.

Membership of the society is open to all. If you would like to join the society, please click here for more information.
